Software development Company

Systems integration services based on modern standards allow for the exchange of information...
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Web and native back-end and front-end systems tailored to the customer's needs...
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We design modern and easy-to-use systems, taking into account the habits and needs of users...
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We test all types of application software, regardless of technology, platform or development model...
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We offer maintenance of systems and services through dedicated support teams based on ITIL
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Our team consists of people with extensive experience, gained in many different projects
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We offer a comprehensive suite of cybersecurity services to safeguard your digital assets and mitigate risks
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Cutting-edge software solutions tailored to meet the evolving demands of modern businesses
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Contact Us



+48 501 232 211


Warsaw, Poland
ul. Domaniewska 37 lok. 2.43
02-672 Warszawa